KaVo SONICflex Prep Ceram Tip #52

Tips for defined approximal finishing for adhesive inlays.

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Tips for defined approximal finishing for adhesive inlays.

The problem:

Ideally, approximal adhesive inlays and onlays fit exactly into the cavity: with different bevel angles and edges, harmonious transitions, no undercuts. Practically this is extremely difficult to achieve. Rotating instruments often give rise to the opposite: irregular shapes and edges and hence a poor basis for the dental technician, unnecessarily large extensions.

The solution:

KaVo SONICflex prep ceram (0.571.0331) permits perfect finishing and exactly defined cavities through precise transfer of the geometry of the tips directly to the tooth substance. With tips specially developed for adhesive inlays and onlays with optimum bevel angles:
Tips with defined edge angles:: lateral (60°) and cervical (75°)
Tips diamond-coated on one side (mesial and distal)

Treatment: precise preparation of various bevel-angles around margins, with gradual angle transitions from cervical to lateral areas

Form: distal, tips with defined bevel-edges, lateral – 60°, cervical – 75°,
diamond coating D 46

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