KaVo 80E Smart Series Push Button FG Bur Attachment Slowspeed Handpiece

Dentin reduction, general cavity preparation, gross cavities removal, cut retention grooves, and C & B preps (bevels & margins) – all with the reliability of the KaVo SMARTseries dental handpieces.

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KaVo Dental Handpiece – 80E SMARTSeries Push Button FG Bur Attachment Slowspeed Handpiece

This KaVo Dental Handpiece attachment delivers dentin reduction, gross cavities removal, general cavity preparation, C & B preps (bevels & margins), and cut retention grooves with the precision and reliability of the KaVo SMARTSeries line of electric dental handpieces.

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Smart Series
AttachmentsKaVo HandpieceSlowspeed Handpieces